In den letzten Jahren haben vor allem russische Ingenieure, die historisch gesehen viel bessere Raketen konstruiert haben als die NASA, technische Aspekte unter die Lupe genommen. Z. B. Dr. Gennady Ivchenkov, der sich das F-1 Triebwerk angesehen hat und erhebliche Mängel feststellte. Er beendete seine 55-seitige Analyse von 2013 mit folgenden Worten:
Dr. Stanislav Pokrovsky errechnete anhand der Videoaufzeichnungen des Flugs der Saturn V bei Apollo 11, daß die Geschwindigkeit der Rakete bei weitem nicht dem entsprach, was die NASA behauptete.The pressure in the F-1 combustion chamber is likely to have been significantly lower than that stated, due to the fundamental shortcomings of the tubular cooling system of American rocket engines. This is further confirmed by the fact that all rocket engines now being developed and currently in use, including those in the United States, use the 'Soviet-style' cooling system. Consequently, the launch weight of the Saturn V was lower and, accordingly, could not have ensured the accomplishment of the Apollo Moon landing program.
Examination of the motion picture film record of the Apollo 11 Saturn V flight near the first
stage separation permited the estimation of the actual booster speed. This analysis was possible
due to the Saturn V using solid propellant retro-rockets which created an exhaust cloud. The
result of this analysis was substantially lower (from 800 to 1000 m/s) than expected and
substantially lower than stated in the NASA documentation. The calculations were obtained from
three independent and mutually inter-relating methods. [...]
The conclusion reached as a result of this study into the ability of the Apollo 11-Saturn V rocket
to place the stated payload into lunar orbit suggests that these findings completely nullify
NASA’s declared propulsion capability with regard to the Apollo 11 mission.